Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Enhance Quality of Vacation with Beach Vacation Rental

Imagine yourself in a situation where you are walking with your partner or family at the shore of the beach where your toes are wrapped in the white sand and the sapphire blue water comes and wash away your feet and goes back to the sea. How romantic isnt it? It is sure that everyone wants a place for holidaying where he can get peace of mind and relaxation from the busy life in the city. And, such kind of experience one can get only through beach vacation.

Beach vacation is best way of bringing an adventure to the holidaying by means of windsurfing, swimming, jet skiing, whale watching or one can relax on the shore through sun bath. And, beach vacation rental provides the place of relaxing after the adventurous day at the beach. Beach rental vacation gives a comfort and amenities of home.

You can find number of beach vacation rentals at the shore of Alaska, California, Florida, Hawaii, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, marry land, Michigan, Georgia or any where in United States as you want. These beach vacation rentals are encircled with large area with stifling beauty, wildlife and privacy.

It is sure, while holidaying at beach vacation rental; you will definitely feel like in the middle of the paradise where you can feel peace of mind. Vacating at beach vacation rental will definitely rejuvenate your mind, soul and body so, that you are filled with enthusiasms.

Beach vacation rentals are situated near the sea where you can take view of soothing sunrise and sunset over the ocean. Medical science also suggests that holidaying at such places brings a positive approach in the mind of the person as the result of which he seems to be happier and satisfied.

They cater such environment which will make you feel as if you in your home. All the amenities are present in a beach vacation house and the rent of which also depends on the amenities being offered, size and location of the beach vacation house.

Beach vacation rentals are being offered in different forms such as condos, bungalows, apartments, cottages and villas. And choosing among them totally depends on you as to where you want to accommodate while holidaying. The most important you must make choice in respect to the budget and of course which fits in your pocket.

Eventually, at beach vacation definitely your day will be filled with pleasant memories which will live for the life time.

Sylvestor Johnson is offering loan and rental advice for quite some time. He is working as financial consultant for ThinkRentals. To find Apartment rentals, Cabin rentals, Condo rentals, Rental homes, Vacation rental condos, beach vacation rental at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit Blog79620
Cammi Blog3116

What Is Your Online Business Model?

What does your perfect business look and sound like? Are you one of those that is looking to make money at home for doing nothing? Or, do you plan to work hard to earn this income in such a way as so that it can actually replace the income you are currently making? While some individuals look at the opportunities and worry if in fact it is possible to not get ripped off, others take the time to actually learn what makes them work. These are the individuals that will succeed in their online business endeavors.

You Can Make Money Online

You just need to know how. Step one in the process is learning about some of the options out there that are available. We are not talking about scams and games but legitimate businesses that you can make a great deal of money with. Once you learn what is available, you'll need to analyze which project fits with your specific being. What makes you tick, in other words? Finally, you'll need to get yourself motivated and get your products out there.

What's Out There?

There are many various types of businesses that you can secure. Many of them include selling products, software, ebooks, or the like. In some cases, you will want to produce and sell your own product while in others you'll want to use another's product to make a profit from. One this is for sure, you'll probably need to set up a website to sell it.

In most cases, individuals will set up a website for the product that they are trying to sell and then promote that site. To do this, there are a number of means that will work for them. They can use ads from the search engine Google for example. Some like to fill their website with great content so that the search engines stop there when someone does a search for their product. You can create good articles about the products you are selling and submit them to article directories which will allow others to use them. This allows people to come to your site for their product needs. Still, there are many ways in which you can promote your product through a website.

Now, before you worry that you are not Internet savvy enough to actually make a website, there is just nothing to worry about. There are simple to use software programs that will basically do the work for you. These are not overly expensive and can easily help you to create a website within a matter of minutes.

What Works For You

The best advice that you can get is to take the time to look for opportunities that appeal to you. Ask which ones actually sound good to you and determine if you could get behind selling that product or working that business. If you can put your heart into it (not necessarily a lot of money!) then you can make it work.

After you have taken the time to find out which opportunities are available, look at them side to side and stay focused. You do not want to overwhelm yourself by trying to do too many things all at once. Instead, you need to determine which one you want to start with. You can always go back for more later! Then, you'll want to build on your business through knowledge. This is very powerful to have. You can learn a lot about why a business works right online without paying a dime for it. You may want to purchase a product that will teach you, but even this is not necessarily going to make your business.

You have to make your business work. You have to invest your time in doing so. You may also need to invest a little money to earn money. But, the rewards from working your own business can be amazing. Thousands of people get started every day at a new online venture. Most of them fail not because the business will not work, but because they do not know what to do, don't put their best foot forward and they simply do not step into it with the best attitude. The best attitude is that of keenness and enthusiasm to "have a go" and put some realistic time and effort into making money. For those that are ready and willing to change their life, there is a business out there with their name on it.

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life coach and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the Internet Marketing Industry for years. Go to his webiste for some superb tips.Beth Blog35141
Annnora Blog65551

Why Do We Have Conflict At Work? The Ubiquitous Position Description

I once applied for a job as a Training Manager in a dynamic and rapidly developing organisation. My application was successful and I was delighted to find out that one of my colleagues whom I got on with very well from my previous organisation (we occasionally had barbecues at one another's homes) had also applied for a job with the new organisation and would be working alongside me. Apparently and unbeknown to one another, we had both applied for the same role as Training Manager. They had liked us both and as they were expanding rapidly, they employed both of us. They designated my role as "Senior Training Manager" and his as "Training Manager". Over barbecue discussions, we both said how much we were looking forward to working together in this new and exciting environment.

A couple of weeks into our new roles, my colleague and I were starting to have some differences, which by the end of three months, had escalated to conflict. Why? We liked one another, got on well together both socially and as work colleagues in our previous organisation and shared very similar views on the role of the training function.

The problem lay in the "how" the training function was to be managed I had my views and he had his. Our new organisation had developed Position Descriptions for each of our new roles, but they were written in "input" terms i.e., how we should do things rather than "output" terms, i.e.., what we were each expected to achieve. As a result, there was major overlap in role descriptions and so our disagreements became "role conflict".

One of the real problems I find with Position Descriptions is that they are often written in Input terms (i.e. what people do) rather than Outputs (i.e. what people achieve). This is often sadly also true for PD's written in KRA (Key Result Areas) terms. The result? People can stick rigidly to what they are expected to do rather than looking at the bigger picture and what they need to achieve for the betterment of their team and ultimately, the organisation. In addition to the potential for role conflict, this can lead to other problems.

For example, in larger organisations, particularly where there is a culture of "rigid hierarchy", use of PDs in this manner invariably leads to conflict and the PD being used as alibi paper when something that should have been achieved, slips through the cracks (even the best written PDs will not cover all eventualities, that is why the focus on outputs is so important). In smaller organisations, use of PDs written in input terms can lead to a feeling of being overworked or "this is not my responsibility" when the person has to do something that is not specifically written into their PD.

The answer to all of this, for both large and small organisations, is to use the PD and in particular the writing of the PD, as a process of agreement between people as to what their output areas are. It is the process of discussing and agreeing on output areas that is critical for effective working relationships, job design and ultimately organisation structure, not the piece of paper that the PD ends up on.

PDs should not be written in isolation by one person, nor should they be written by the HR Department. The HR Department's (or HR person's) role in PDs is to coach, train and facilitate the writing of the PDs by the people who will be doing the actual work.

How do you write effective Position Descriptions that are expressed in output terms? One way is to convert existing PDs. For example, look at the following list of duties from the Supervisor's PD at a large main frame computer centre:

1. Supervise and direct the operations of the computer room in a large scale, multi-mainframe operations environment.

2. Provide on-the-job training aides for operating staff to ensure the standard operations procedures are maintained.

3. Provide assistance in the analysis and correction of systems hardware, software and production failures and/or notify appropriate personnel.

4. Maintain computer usage records and operational logs.

5. Deputise for the shift manager.

All of the above are expressed as "inputs" rather than "outputs" In output terms they could be written as:

1. Supervise and direct the operations of the computer room in a large scale, multi-mainframe operations environment. Would be rewritten as . . .

Mainframe down time is minimal

Quality output standard of data is maintained

All staff meet their performance standards

2. Provide on-the-job training aides for operating staff to ensure the standard operations procedures are maintained. Would be rewritten as . . .

Standard operating procedures followed

Errors are minimised

Problems solved within specified time and quality standards

You may like to try your hand at rewriting 3, 4 & 5!

As you do, you will notice that outputs start to repeat themselves fairly frequently. That's because outputs focus on the results not "how " the job is done. Although "how" is important, it can be stated in terms of standards that must be met and maintained overstating the "how" and breaking it down to a small number of tasks, leaves people with no room for initiative nor decision making and often leads to role overlap or underlap which eventually ends in conflict.

How do we arrive at outputs? Very simply. Just add " . . . so that" to each input and complete the sentence. Or, ask "Why?" of each input and keeping asking "Why?" until the answer becomes an output. For example, "Supervise and direct the operations of the computer room in a large scale, multi-mainframe operations environment . . . so that . . . Mainframe down time is minimal . . . so that . . . Quality output standard of data is maintained . . . so that . . . All staff meet their performance standards" Most PD's written in output terms will have no more than 5 or 6 outputs. For lower level roles, this can rise to as many as 8 10 (although be careful that none of these are or become inputs). The more senior the role, the less number of outputs a manager should have until ultimately the CEO has only one "Stakeholder expectations managed effectively"

Remember as I said earlier, it is the process of discussing and agreeing on output areas that is critical for effective working relationships, job design and ultimately organisation structure, not the piece of paper that the PD ends up on. So make sure the people doing the work are involved in writing the PDs.

Oh, by the way, you may be wondering what eventually happened between my colleague and I. He applied for a role elsewhere in the organisation his old role was not refilled. I and the organisation had learned about "outputs" by that stage. Happy output development!

Copyright (c) 2006 The National Learning Institute

Like most of us, Bob Selden has experienced conflict in the workplace on numerous ocassions. As MD of The National Learning Institute, he has written this article in the hope that it helps you prevent workplace conflict. If youd like to share your experiences with Bob, please contact him via Blog54766
Belle Blog38876

Las Vegas Schools Open New Schools and Hire New Teachers

New Schools Equal New Hires

Las Vegas Schools have ten new schools opening for the 2006-2007 school year. Nine are brand new schools, while one is a replacement of Rancho High School. This is part of a long term plan to meet student population demands and create modern facilities. The schools opening in August are six elementary schools, two middle schools and two high schools. The new elementary schools are Hayden Elementary, Schorr Elementary, Steele Elementary, Thompson Elementary, Ward Elementary and Wright Elementary. The middle schools are Johnston and Tarkanian and the high schools are the new Legacy High School and the replacement Rancho High School. All these new schools create the need for more teacher and support staff. With this in mind Las Vegas Schools is engaging in a very active recruitment process including holding a recruitment fair this summer to be held at the Desert Rose Adult High School. In the area of academic staff Las Vegas Schools are hiring over one thousand new staff and teachers. But academic staff are not the only ones needed to keep a school running. These new member schools of Las Vegas Schools are also in need of bus drivers, transportation aides, vehicle mechanics and substitute food service workers.

The New Rancho High School

The newest edition to Las Vegas Schools is the placement of the old Rancho High School. The new design may seem surprisingly familiar to the students. The new Rancho High School is based on the same design used in most suburban shopping malls. The new 330,000 square foot school was built on the site of the former schools athletic field. The old school will be torn down later in the school year. The new Rancho High School follows a two story mall design and the total building cost was around $75 million. The money came from the Las Vegas Schools $3.5 billion capital improvement plan approved by voters in 1998. The new design did cause a little concern but it actually creates a very functional and friendly space which can add to the success of a school. The Rancho High School principal plans to divide the school into four distinct sections each with its own assistant principal and student services. These sections will possibly be divided based on grade level or program type. Rancho High School is well known for its magnet programs that aim towards the medical and aviation fields. These magnet programs will have new offices and special facilities on the new Ranch High School campus. The ROTC will also have a new area. The Rancho High School ROTC is one of the largest in the U.S. and the facility will be able to accommodate over five hundred students. The Ranch High School replacement is part of a long term replacement plan by Las Vegas schools. The plan was to replace five existing schools Sunrise Acres Elementary, Wendell Williams Elementary and Rancho High School are the first three with Booker Elementary and Virgin Valley Elementary to follow.

Rancho High School is Second to Have Mall Design

Rancho High School is the second Las Vegas School to have the mall design. The first was at Buffalo and Grand Teton. The mall design creates a new and unique space that provides natural light and fresh air to the classrooms while creating a more secure environment than a conventional school design. Both the current principal and the president of the construction company building the new school are former Rancho High School graduates, who are extremely pleased with the modern replacement.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Brandi Blog44555
Caresse Blog66520

Healthy Fall Housecleaning

As your calendar pages fly by, carrying you through October and into November, many of you will participate in that age-old tradition called fall housecleaning. You'll be packing up the swim toys, summer clothes, picnic baskets, and oscillating fans. Then you'll dig out the winter coats, boots, comfy afghans, fireplace tools, and, if you are lucky enough to live where snow falls, sleds and ice skates.

You'll be busy cleaning out the dust and grime tracked in by kids and dogs and by breezes blowing through open windows all the busy summer long. Before you snuggle in for the winter to enjoy family evenings around the crackling fireplace or have those holiday gatherings with all their hustle and bustle, you'll probably wax, polish, and clean your house until the fireplace glow is reflected throughout the room.

Here are a few tips to help you make the most of this time-honored tradition. Not only can you make your home clean, well ordered, and homey, ready for the long winter months, but you can actually make it a healthier place for your family and improve your own personal health as you work.

As you do your fall housecleaning, remember to focus on those areas that contribute to allergies. A multitude of things in your home can trigger allergies, from mold, to dust in bedding and on furniture, to your family pet. Even those friendly, burning candles can contribute to toxic air and allergy problems. Let's discuss these allergy-producing problem areas.

You can find mold in damp basements, refrigerator drip pans, air conditioners, garbage pails, shower stalls, and closets. There are non-toxic cleaning products that will get rid of existing mold. As an extra precaution, use exhaust fans in kitchen and bathroom and open windows on low humidity days to refresh household air. Don't forget to dust and clean heating units and oil burners, checking for foreign objects in heating elements.

As you attack all that summer dust, remember that it contains allergy triggering, microscopic dust mites that feast on shed human and animal skin cells. These fecal-producing dust mites thrive in warm and humid places like beds, furniture, and carpets. After you vacuum and dust thoroughly with a vacuum that filters dust and does not allow it back into the air, use hot-water washing and high-heat drying to launder all bedding and stuffed toys. For further protection, put anti-allergen covers on bedding, even box springs and dehumidify the air, including closets and cabinets.

Remember that your family pet also contributes to toxic air and allergies. Pet dander (skin flakes) is a nearly invisible pollution that your pet releases as it grooms, releasing dander and proteins from saliva into the air. Bathe pet, using dander-reducing shampoo, and follow up with an anti-dander spray. To help keep pet dander allergies down, install HEPA filters in air and heat systems to help keep the air clean.

Have you been wondering how all this work is going to improve your own personal health? Well, I'm sure you have heard that any physical activity that raises and keeps your heart rate in its target zone for at least 20 minutes a day helps you lose weight and get fit. That includes serious housecleaning. As you scrub and polish your home, you can also tone, exercise, and oxygenate your muscles. After warming up with light activity like dusting and tidying up rooms, build up your work intensity and speed to raise your heart rate to your personal workout zone.

As you vacuum or mop, breathe deeply and lunge, switching sides to work out both arms. Put your whole body into mopping, scrubbing, or stair climbing. Swing your arms, pump your legs, and fill waiting time at the dryer or microwave with squats, push-ups, or other exercises. Turn on energizing music and dance your way through your chores. Stretch your body in every way possible as you keep your heart rate in the zone for 20 minutes. Cool down with lighter chores and enjoy your workout, knowing that not only will your fall housecleaning be done, but you will have contributed to your own personal wellness and fitness at the same time.

There's another very pleasant thing you can do this fall that will contribute to the humidity balance and oxygen level of your home and quietly clean pollutants, gasses, and toxins out of the air. You can decorate your home with air-cleansing houseplants. Palms, ferns, and ivy are especially good at removing toxic gases from the air. A plant for every 10 square yards of floor space will both cleanse and beautify your home.

As each room is completed, you may want to set a homey scene with aromatic candles. Unfortunately, candles, especially if they are scented, release toxic soot, carcinogens, and even lead (from wire wicks), that flood the air with enough pollution to ruin computers and furnishings and affect breathing, especially for people with asthma, lung, or heart disease. Fragrance oil candles and container candles don't burn cleanly and are even more dangerous than open-flame candles. You can use diffusers for aromatherapy and choose unscented candles with no petroleum products and wire-free wicks for atmosphere.

When your fall housecleaning is finished, sit back, put your feet up, relax with a cup of herbal tea before the fire, and know that both you and your family will enjoy your cleaner, healthier home in the winter months ahead.

Copyright (c) 2006 Dr. Eileen Silva

Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D. is a metabolic health balancing expert, talk show guest, and lecturer. Dr. Silva is also an individual, group, and corporate weight management consultant. Contact Dr. Silva at http://www.dreileensilva.comAmanda Blog14813
Aline Blog11381

Cash loans: cash in an instant

Expenses emerge unexpectedly which an individual might not be monetarily prepared. The expenses cannot be avoidable and also to meet them money might run short amid the month. Thus in such situations, you can easily opt for cash loans and borrow the required money to meet the immediate demands. Any person can approve or borrow loans within the same day or before the next payday which ever is possible earlier.

Cash loans can be approved easily because the borrowers are free from pledging collateral. Instead of placing collateral, lenders demand basic desired principles: as applicants should have an active and valid bank account and should be employed on regular terms and conditions. Lender approves cash within seconds when any applicant qualifies with the desired eligibility. Thus instantly the applicants can borrow cash which limits from 100-1200 for a shorter duration without delay. The duration if reimbursement of cash loans is graces to 31 days from the approval date.

Cash loans provide flexible repayment terms to the borrowers if any incongruity occurs while repaying. The repaying term can be extended according to their convenience by informing and paying an extra fee. The fee is excluded from the rate of interest. Cash loans are offered against a slightly higher rate of interest by every lender. But availing a marginal rate is possible by comparing the quotes with the assistance of online, as it provided and facilitate the applicants to approach lenders within less time.

If any lenders qualify with the desired principles then bad credit hardly concerns the lenders. In other words, applicants can borrow loans despite of bad credit tags or records like CCJs, defaults, arrears, late payments and so on.

Cash loans has made life easier and free from worries as it is now possible to meet the urgent demands in the easiest way. Medical bills, electricity bills, car bills, school fees are some ends which you can easily fulfil with the help of cash loans. If you want to gather information related to loan and lenders you can use the online or call the customer care services which is open round the clock.

Antonio Vargas has been associated with Cash Flow Loans. His articles provide you useful knowledge to find the right financial product at the right price. To find Cash loans, Business cash flow loans, Fast cash personal loans, Repayment cash loan flow, Payday cash loan, Cash flow loans visit Blog32318
Audrie Blog81903

Using Niche Marketing To Find A Niche

Niche markets provide a product or service for a specific group of customers who have very specific needs. One of the biggest mistakes that new online business owners make is ignoring the concept of niche marketing and focusing on big markets that appear to be big moneymakers.

While this can be quite tempting, there is simply too much competition in the big markets. Those who are new to the online business world don't stand a chance of competing against companies who have already cornered the market.

With niche marketing, it is a different story. Entrepreneurs can significantly increase their chances of success by focusing on specific niche markets. You determine a need and develop products and services that will satisfy that need.

Niche marketing also provides you with an opportunity to market to a very specific audience. By targeting your audience, you can easily tailor advertising and promotional campaigns that are almost guaranteed to work.

By now, you're probably wondering how to go about finding niche markets. Fortunately, it's much easier than one would think. The key is to find a group large enough to produce a reasonable volume of business, but small enough to be looked over by your competition.

The following steps will teach you the ins and outs of finding a niche market.

Step One

The first step involves research and may take some time on your part. If you need to, break these research sessions up over a span of a few days. This will ensure that you have ample time to properly research potential niche markets.

To start, open two Internet windows. Set one at and set the other at

Step Two

To find niche marketing opportunities, start doing a few searches in these search engines. Try basic products that you may be interested in selling, such as digital cameras, computer software, or Siamese cat toys.

y entering products into these two search engines, you can find out the number of searches the products have per month and determine how much competition exists in the market. Google and similar search engines will tell you how many results pages are out there for a specific search term, allowing you to gauge the extent of your competition, and will help you determine what sort of customer base you have be telling you how many people entered a specific search term in a given month.

Step Three

Analyze your findings. The level of competition that can be found in the market determines the best niche markets to get into. Though some competition is good, too much competition is bad. Niche marketing only works if there is demand and a market for the product or service that is being sold.

Though opinion varies when it comes to the numbers, in general, a word that has between 10,000 and 2,000,000 searches per month is considered an opportunity for niche marketing. Let's see some examples:

Example 1

Digital Camera

The term yielded 1,312,659 searches and 239,000,000 results pages. This is a big market with plenty of competition.

Example 2

Computer Software

The term yielded 101,294 searches and 1,550,000,000 results pages. This is a big market with HUGE levels of competition.

Example 3

Siamese Cat

The term yielded 16,314 searches and 1,800,000 results pages. Niche marketing could work here! This has high search volume relative to competition.

Step Four

Choose your niche. Now that you have some niche markets to choose from, you can find the one that is the best fit for you. Afterwards, all that is left to do is enjoy your niche marketing experience.

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses.Belva Blog57062
Angela Blog97741

Tips For Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes

If you're in need of affordable health insurance quotes individual and family, a highly recommend that you simply get online and start looking for free life insurance quotes. After you get several of these in hand contact the company directly and ask him if there's any way that you can get these things lower. This is called negotiating my friend and it works.

When you got quotes in hand and you can get on the telephone with these people and say I notice your quote of $50 of that code here for $40 for the same thing, is there any way possible that you can meet or beat that price? If they can't then you move on to the next one. Don't burn any bridges by the any means, but keep notes of who has the lowest quote's, what the actual pros and cons of each policy are, look at the different savings advantages by raising your deductibles, etc., you get the idea.

And if you're looking for affordable health insurance quotes for individual and family, I hope you realize that there's going to be a substantial difference for individual life insurance costs and family life insurance costs. With individual plans I highly recommend getting the higher deductible because it's easier for you to pay every day doctor visit costs out-of-pocket and carry the insurance itself in case of major expenses such as hospitalization. This is much more difficult to do for a family because the everyday costs of visiting a doctor would get out of hand quickly.

As I stated previously, your best bet is to start getting several free life insurance quotes right now and again touch with the insurance agents directly and leverage the quotes that you have in your hand. Just like in any business people are going to be more likely to give you a discount rather than send them to your competition and let them take the sale.

Joe Stewart is a former Health Insurance agent that now provides expert information to others.Adriaens Blog91553
Alison Blog66072

Could I Be Pregnant?

Although your body has not changed in appearance, you will be having many other clues that you are pregnant. Even at just one month in the pregnancy, major changes are going on and your body will letting you know about them. Paying close attention to the early signs, you will be able to know if you are pregnant. Simple technology can tell you this information.

Of course, the first noticeable sign of pregnancy is the missed period. I found this information pregnancy site useful Missing your period has always been the easiest way of knowing that you are expecting. Before running out to buy all the cute baby things, you should first look closely at your cycle. If you are lucky, you are very regular and know exactly when each period is supposed to start. Because of that regularity, these women can be fairly sure they are a month pregnant when they miss that period.

Unfortunately, that is not the case for most women. Thousands of women are not regular and are worried every month that they may be pregnant because they never know when their period is supposed to start. Even in a regular woman, she may experience spotting as the egg implants making her think she has just had a lighter period than normal. This could cause the misconception that she is not pregnant when in reality she is a month along.

Obviously, the missed period is not the most reliable way to tell if you should be shopping for maternity clothes and registering for baby shower gifts. Fortunately, there are many other clues that will let you know if you are in that one month of pregnancy. Some clues you may have to look for while others will be blatant. Morning sickness could be an obvious sign of pregnancy even though it doesnt always happen in the morning.

More subtle clues could be a sudden change in tastes pertaining to beverages with caffeine or alcohol. Sometimes a women who is one month pregnant or earlier develops a slight queasiness after sipping a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Again, this will vary in many women, so if you think there is a possibility that you are pregnant stay away from alcohol to prevent possible birth defects.

A more universal sign of early pregnancy is faintness and chronic fatigue. In this early stage of the first trimester, your body is working hard to build a new life making you crave sleep. This common hint that you are in your one month of pregnancy tends to also come back in the last three months as the baby experiences a burst of growth.

Moodiness could be another sign. However if that is the only sign, you probably wouldnt run to buy a pregnancy test. Paired together with tender breasts, this moodiness may well be telling you that you are one month pregnant. Of course you may experience one, none, or all of these symptoms. The best way to tell when you suspect that you may be one month pregnant is to take a pregnancy test.

Melissa Core works on a regular basis for these urls:Ame Blog66611
Agna Blog22437

Guide to Buying a Webcam

How web broadcasting works

Webcams are those handy little cameras that attach to your PC and send images to a web page that can be viewed by others. This enables you to share daily life events with friends and family in other parts of the country or the world, or to arrange a video-conference with colleagues and maintain long distance relationships of all kinds. Of course the number of ways to use this technology is limited only by your imagination.

Web Cameras

But before you buy a webcam, it pays to understand a little about how the technology of broadcasting images over the Internet works. Of course, if you're a full bottle on this already, you can skip this section and go straight to browsing the options on where you can compare products and suppliers, their specifications and prices.

Webcams provide 'real time' images of people; places and events that can be viewed 'live' on a web page. The broadcasting end has a camera that captures the images, feeds them into a computer to an ISP and out to viewing pages across the Internet. There are two different types of broadcast: streaming images, where the images are a constant stream downloaded in video format; or Java, where the images are captured at fixed time intervals and refreshed on the web pages at a rate fixed by the broadcaster.

The Applications - What are you intending to broadcast, and to whom?

There is a wide range of uses of webcam technology. Some examples include personal 'Big Brother' style diaries, sharing of family events, workplace security, video conferencing, virtual tourism, road traffic management, weather watching, event broadcast and a host of others.

Before you make a choice about any webcam equipment, it helps to decide exactly how you want to use the technology, in other words, what you are intending to broadcast. This decision will impact upon the type of camera you use, and how you use it.

A second consideration is, who will be viewing your content? What level of quality is expected? This will help determine the type of camera you use, the software involved and your Internet connection. Of course, your Internet connection may be a limitation on how much you can do.

The requirements for video conferencing are different from the requirements of workplace security, which are different again from the requirements of sharing a family event.

The physical components

There are a number of physical components required to make web cam technology work. At the top of the list is the camera itself. Then, depending on the type of camera you use and the way in which you want to deliver the content to the Internet, you may need to incorporate video capture hardware in your computer. Some software is required to help you process the data, and Internet connection is required and a web page into which the data is fed.


Your choice of camera depends somewhat on what you are intending to show. If you need to reach a large public audience yo may want good quality camcorder or megapixel camera that captures high quality images. If it's just for seeing who's at your front door or keeping an eye on the kids in their playroom, then it may not need to present high quality images. If you are intending to use it outdoors, it will need to be weather proof and you may need to consider sun and UV protection. Available power supply and any robotic requirements for camera movement and focus are extra considerations.

Dedicated webcams

The most basic webcams connect to a PC using a simple USB connection. A wide range of cameras with accompanying software at a range of prices is available for this type of application. Simply search though to compare prices and specifications. Dedicated webcams are simple to install and easy to use, but come with limitations that affect the quality of the images, such as low number of frames per second (refresh rates) and resolution (pixels per inch).

Camcorders and security cameras

Higher quality images and more camera control come from using camcorder and security cameras. To use these devices you will need to add a video capture card to your PC. Once you have that installed however, you can use a wide range of cameras from broadcast cameras to miniature spy cameras. You can include variable lens options, filters for daylight and low light situations, as well as robotic controls for panning and focus adjustments. You can search through for camcorder selections.

Integrated cameras

An integrated camera combines the camera and the optical hardware with a video server, and as such requires no additional software. They can be used in network situations or as stand-alone devices for monitoring progress on a construction project for example.

Megapixel cameras

Network megapixel cameras combine network capability with high quality digital camera technology. These cameras offer excellent quality but this creates large files sizes, therefore they have limited application in constant streaming video. However for interval refreshed archive image collection, they are ideal, providing a constant record and high quality. You can search through for digital camera selections.


If you are not using an integrated camera solution, you will need to install an encoding program like Webcaster or MediaCaster to transfer your images to a web page.

At the receiver end, when web surfers browse the internet and wish to view live video on the web for the first time, they will need to download dedicated applications that show the content such as an ActiveX control, Windows Media player, Flash player or the like.


Finally, you need an Internet connection. The hardware you will need may include a modem for dial-up connection, or modem/router for a broadband solution. Naturally the higher the quality you want, or the faster refresh rate you want, the more bandwidth you will need. ADSL (Broadband) is going to offer you the best solution, but keep in mind what your Internet connection when you are making choices of cameras and feeder software.

Webcam applications work well with wireless solutions. Make sure when you are purchasing a camera or network video solution that it is compatible with any wireless system you may be using in a LAN.

Key considerations

The specifications that are variable with webcam applications, and are affected by camera type, web interface and Internet connection, include the number of frames per second and the image resolution.

Frames-per-second is the number of times a still image flashes by in a second to give the appearance of moving pictures. In Australia, the standard television PAL format is at 25 frames per second. A webcam with up to 30 frames per second will show normal video images. But the more frames per second you demand, the more bandwidth, memory and processing power is required.

Resolution is measured the number of pixels per inch. High quality photographs require a high resolution. But the standard for web images is a low 72 dpi. Higher resolution images will not be of any better visual quality, just slower to upload and download.

Use to compare different webcams, camcorders and digital cameras. You can compare the prices and specifications of the different products and brands, and a wide range of reputable vendors.

Andrew Gates is a writer for comparison online shopping site - , helps you compare web cameras - and buy online from top-rated online stores. You can also read webcams reviews - and specifications.Abigael Blog1466
Agata Blog69806

4 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Your Child

A recent survey indicated that nearly 30% of American parents are seriously considering homeschooling their children rather than sending them to school. Home schooling is a different way of education for many parents. It allows children to be educated at home free from the daily school assignments and pressure. It also allows more bonding time between the child and the parent fostering closer relationships.

There are 4 main reasons why you should homeschool your child. They are

1) Academic Results

One of the reasons parents are hesitant to adopt homeschooling is because they are afraid their childs academic results will suffer. However studies have shown that children who are homeschooling have the same and if not better academic results than those going to traditional schools.

You could also say some of the worlds most famous people were homeschooled. Examples include Benjamin Franklin, Florence Nightingale, Winston Churchill and Thomas Edison. Their achievements do not compare less than those who went to school.

Home Schooling allow the parent to cater the study schedule according to the needs of the child. In school, since a teacher has to teach 40 to 50 students at a time, it is quite impossible to cater a specific teaching schedule for each child.

2) Social Reasons

Another important reason why you should homeschool your child is because traditional school do not deal with this aspect of education. Teaching your child to be comfortable with dealing with people.

By introducing your child to church programs and other volunteering programs to help others, it educates the childs moral values which are just as important as academic results.

Homeschooling also shields the child from bad habits due to peer influence. Examples are smoking, alcoholism, gambling, sex, drugs and violence etc

3) Family Bonding

Since homeschooling allows more time between your child and parents, the family relationship is strengthened and there is more family bonding. The child self-confidence and self-esteem improves. Studies have also shown that homeschooled children values family ties and kinship more.

4) Religious Reasons

Schools have always kept away from religious issues due to its sensitive nature in our country. The schools typically has a neutral stand regarding religion and spirituality. Therefore, most schools do not have any kind of religious education

Homeschooling does not have that limitation. Parents can pass on their religious values to their children. This has a great impact on the spiritual development of the child.

Ricky Lim is the founder of where he regularly write homeschooling articles to help educators and parents. Carlota Blog14431
Candice Blog5827

Consolidate Private Student Loans - 4 Benefits You Can't Ignore

Consolidate private student loans into one manageable loan. Instead of trying to juggle multiple private student loans, why not lump them together and make it easier to manage each month? When you consolidate your private student loans, you replace all of your outstanding private loans with one large private student loan. Sounds like a lot of work? Not really. In fact it's easy and here are the benefits that you'll enjoy.

The key benefit when you consolidate private student loans is lower monthly payments. Instead of making multiple monthly payments on different loans, you would have only one monthly payment. That one monthly payment will be less than the total amount of payments of all the other loans combined. Frankly, this is the time when you need your money the most - for rent, furniture, buying a house or car, getting married, starting a family...

By lumping your private student loans into one loan, you make repayment much more convenient. You get to deal with only one lender and that reduces the risk of forgetting about or missing payments. There's much less paperwork to worry about and you don't have to juggle a bunch of different due dates.

Consolidating your private student loans provides you the opportunity to get a lower interest rate and that saves you money. Lower interest charges help to offset the cost of lowering your monthly payment. So in the end, you can have lower monthly payments without extending your loan as far as you would have.

One of the added benefits of consolidating your private student loans is you can improve your credit score. When you receive a consolidation loan, the funds are used to pay off all of the loans being consolidated. So, in effect, you have just successfully paid off multiple loans - on time or early. And that goes a long way to improving your credit score.

So how exactly does that benefit you? Remember, the house or car you want to buy? That's going to take a mortgage or car loan. A better credit score means you pay less interest and that saves you money. In the case of a mortgage, it can mean thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in savings.

If you want to lower your monthly payments, make them more convenient by dealing with only one loan and get a lower interest rate, you should consolidate private student loans. It not only helps keep your money at a time when you need it but it helps you improve your chances of saving more money on future loans.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides student loan consolidation information and solutions.Alison Blog23788
Cecily Blog45072

Tips from Robert Ludlum on writing a compelling thriller

Based on a two-hour interview with the late Robert Ludlum, author of some of the world's best selling novels of international intrigue.

Q. How did your career in writing begin?

Ludlum: When I got out of college in 1952, I wanted to be an actor. I worked pretty consistently in plays and doing voice-over TV commercials until about 1958. Then somebody said to me, did you ever think of becoming a producer?

So I learned that field and produced original theater on Broadway for ten years. But I got bored with the pressures and labor problems. I had worked with a lot of playwrights, and I thought I can write. So I wrote a humorous book about the funny things that happens when actors meet the general public - people who may not know anything about actors. I sold it to a publisher who told me, "Actually this is just what we want." I named it "Broadway goes Suburbia." Then the publisher said to me, "Of course, we have to make it much more serious. No humor. We'll call it "Blueprint for Culture." I ran out of the room laughing.

That Broadway book was my first attempt at writing. I thought I wanted a writing career. But I had responsibilities my children, my wife. You can't chuck everything aside to become a writer. But I kept thinking about it and got to the point where I really wanted to try it. My wife Marian, bless her heart, said, "You're forty years old. If you don't try it now, you're going to regret as long as we live." And so we got together and blocked out eighteen months to see if I could succeed..

Q. And you're too good a writer to use that old clich, "And the rest was history." "The Osterman Weekend." "The Bourne Identity." "The Parsifal Mosaic." And many other best sellers and movies later. How would you describe your writing techniques?

Ludlum: I love to observe people. I have always been interested in people who have decided to leave one lifestyle for another. On St. Thomas I met a man named John who used to be a very successful ad man in New York. He threw it all away to follow a new dream running a charter boat in the Caribbean. He went to a patrol school run by the Coast Guard in St. Thomas. He supported himself by becoming a disk jockey on a local radio station for a $100 a week. Now he has his own charter boat business and is considered one of the more effective people on the island. A complete life change. Later I used that fact in "The Bourne Identify." When one of my characters wanted to get away, he joined the boat people in the Caribbean.

Q. What other writing techniques work for you?

Ludlum:. My wife and I love to travel all over the world. And whenever possible, we take our kids and their wives with us. On a trip to Greece, they helped me gather restaurant menus, theater programs, ticket stubs, tour brochures. And I take a lot of really bad pictures. But I put all this in a big scrapbook. The scrapbook brings memories back to life and help make my writing more credible.

Q, What the biggest mistake you think many beginning writers make?

Ludlum: I get annoyed when a self-indulgent writer just shows off what he knows but doesn't really tell a story. To me storytelling is first a craft. Then if you're lucky, it becomes an art form. But first, it's got to be a craft.. You've got to have a beginning, middle and end. And I have sort of applied the theatrical principles to writing. Throw the story in the air and see what's going to happen.

This article is adapted from the chapter On writing well in the new book Reinvent Yourself by Hal Gieseking, available at Blog11502
Amalee Blog36596

Be Big, Do Big, Have Big

A number of my coaching clients are small business owners. They are like the majority of small business owners in the world They have a small business which they dream of turning into a large businesssomeday.

During one of my recent sessions, a client pointed to several companies that had blossomed overnight (really within one to two years) and were doing hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in business in a very short time.

He then asked me what I thought was the secret to their rapid success.

I think first and foremost many of these companies subscribe to the concept of what is currently called Blue Ocean Strategy, which is the name of a recent book on marketing strategies.

However, the world is filled with great ideas, and good plans and strategies to make the ideas come to life. It is actually executing those plans and strategies that separates an eBay from a what was your name again?

So, if the world is filled with good ideas, and it is also filled with plans and strategies to bring those ideas to life, why arent more people executing those plans and strategies and creating billion dollar businesses?

The answer is one word: Conditioning.

Most of us have been conditioned since birth to get real, get serious, stop dreaming, get a job and basically live out the so-called American Dream.

Our parents, siblings, friends, teachers, politicians, religious leaders and even media figures have unwittingly created generations of people who are conditioned to accept what is given to them rather than to go for what they really desire.

Every great company started with a great dream, but most people have been conditioned to let go of their dreams, take the easy path, get a 9 to 5 job, put money into the 401K, vacation 2 weeks a year, struggle to pay the kids college tuition, work their way up the corporate ladder, and hope that when they retire theyll be able to survive between the 401K, Social Security and downsizing to a small condo.

Simply, we have been made to FEAR our dreams. We have been taught that thinking big and trying to achieve big things is for other people; as if those other people are endowed with some secret power that we mortals can only dream of having.

Sounds ridiculous, right? And it is.

Whats worse is that when we do start to dream a little, we make a huge mistake. We go and talk to our family, friends, coworkers, etc. about our dream, because we are hoping for encouragement.

Trying to save us from the pain of certain failure our family, friends, etc. kindly point every single reason why the idea wont work, why we are uniquely UNQUALIFIED to attempt such an idea and why we should just give up now and go back to the way things have been.

Well, Im here to tell you to forget that nonsense!

Despite what everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has told you, you can have the business youve always wanted, the home youve always wanted and the lifestyle youve always wanted. But to get all this, you must first get past the fear that has been conditioned into you.

So, you are probably thinking, Sounds great, Erik, but how do I get past the fear? Simple: Be, Do, Have.

If your conditioning is like most people, then you have been conditioned to DO first. This means that you have been conditioned to work hard in the hopes that you can someday HAVE some of the items you want. Then, at this point, you can BE the person you wanted to be (a millionaire, a business owner, etc.).

This process is back-ass-wards.

Think about this, who takes millionaire actions - Millionaires or poor people? Why the answer is simple: Millionaires of course. Yet, if you believed the DO HAVE BE method, only millionaires could be millionaires and NO ONE else ever could be.

Seriously consider that concept. If you have to get a million dollars before you can get the mindset necessary to get a million dollars, youll never get a million dollars. It is the ultimate catch-22. And you lose either way.

But if you BE a millionaire first in your mind and in your beliefs then you will be able to DO the actions necessary to HAVE a million dollars.

This process does not require years of hard labor, paying your dues or earning the right. It simply requires a shift in your mindset.

One easy exercise to help you start changing your mindset is to look at how much you are earning per year right now. Then add a ZERO to the end of that number.

Who would you have to BE in order to earn that much money in one year? You obviously could not be who you are now, because that person can only earn one/tenth of the amount you are now considering.

What would a person who earns ten-times what youre earning right now DO in order to make that much money? Obviously, they have a completely different set of priorities and activities than you do.

What would a person who earns ten-times your current salary HAVE? Well, they could certainly buy a lot more stuff then you can right now.

I personally feel that this shift in mindset is VITALLY IMPORTANT if you truly want to see a change in your business and your life.

Be Big. Do Big. Have Big. And always Dream Big!

Erik Luhrs is the President of Make Your Business BOOM! Inc. He provides Consulting, Coaching and Seminars on Business & Performance Optimization to Executives and Business Owners all over the world. Visit to request a complimentary Big-Time Be, Do, Have Coaching Session today.Calypso Blog8733
Alena Blog78488

The Importance Of Implementing An Integrated Marketing Plan For Your Small Business

The progression of marketing -- moving beyond traditional to include interactive, consumer driven, social marketing has spread like Ebola. Its often referred to as Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). IMC is ushering in a new era in which marketers blend communication messages across all available media channels into a continuous brand experience. As part of a successful integrated marketing strategy, IMC integrates public relations, advertising, online, social media, etc; and other communications elements into one cohesive entity all sharing the same message.

Many organizations today are now embracing this concept of IMC. Instead of dividing marketing communications into separate groups that rarely communicate; organizations are now integrating all marketing disciplines under one umbrella; thus, making every communication consistent with one message, sharing the same strategy. This also allows marketers to execute marketing campaigns more efficiently without having to jump through hoops to get approvals for creative, content, messaging, etc.

The key to effective integration is the cohesiveness between various marketing messages, and the understanding that marketing is fundamentally a conversation between a company and its prospective customer. It is not one specific marketing campaign or press release; rather, how the blending and execution of such disciplines convey a message synergistically, and at every possible customer touch point.

IMC includes the various tools such as advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, direct & database marketing, sponsorship, event marketing, social media marketing, and online marketing (search, banner advertising, affiliate, etc.). Since the purpose of marketing is to generate revenue, increase market share, drive preference to purchase, and/or build brand awareness, marketers need to find ways to do this effectively; and embracing an integrated marketing strategy is the first step.

Integrated Marketing At Work

Nike is a great example of a company that has fully embraced the concept of integrated marketing. Their integrated approach includes traditional advertising (billboard, magazine, and television); sponsoring sporting events and players such as the Superbowl and Tiger Woods; and engaging in online marketing initiatives by allowing consumers to customize their Nike shoes. They also spend a great deal of money in search marketing. Nikes approach allows them to communicate their message consistently across all media outlets; and at the same time share that message at every customer touch point; that is, use Nike products and you will increase your performance regardless of what sport you are involved in.

Another example is HPs The Computer is Personal Again campaign. They utilized many forms of media with great consistency, and capitalized on each of the medias individual strengths. Television shared real-life stories, print detailed many of the same stories and online extended each into a positive experience with which the customer could interact with HP. The campaign also used paid search to capture queries about HP products and services.


The adoption of integrated marketing is essential in todays market place. As consumers, we are bombarded with thousands of messages from thousands of different advertisers each day. It has become natural for us to filter out these messages that dont appeal to a particular need or interest. On the other hand, as marketers, we need ensure that we are doing everything we possible can to reach these consumers at a time when they are interested in our value proposition. This means that our message has to be where the consumers are looking all the time.

Michael BritoCamala Blog24262
Alison Blog69031

Why Not Obtain Your Business Degree Online?

For any young person wondering what type of training they should venture into or what profession will supply them with a long-term, solid career, obtaining a business degree online may be the perfect solution to avoid many situations others face in their lives.

Finding a job in today's competitive markets isn't easy. First-time job seekers can be overwhelmed by the requirements companies are asking in their employment advertisements and need to know they have the education to back up their value to any business. People working at a good job without having finished college might one day face company reorganization and find themselves lacking employment. Having enough credentials and qualifications to land a new job that pays the same salary is very important. Some individuals choose a career and get the education they need, and then discover they don't enjoy the chosen profession.

Whatever the reason for needing a solid degree or for wanting to increase the education you already have, obtaining a business degree online is a great choice that gives you plenty of opportunity to train in a strong profession at your own pace and to explore building up employment experience at the same time. Online degrees allow you to earn credits and get instruction from the comfort of your own home and at the hours or days you choose to study, leaving you with plenty of spare time to pursue other ventures or personal interests. Many people can't afford to take years off work to earn their college degree and online education allows individuals to study part-time and hold a job that brings income at the same time.

Certainly, our information-packed, technological world has changed the face of training and instruction, with educational facilities responding to people's needs. Whereas in the past, distance education had a negligible reputation that wasn't always recognized, nowadays top schools and universities are offering online courses and degree programs that every employer considers an asset. For example, individuals can pursue a business degree online in the areas of private sector account, human resources management, business administration, health care and criminal justice. Degrees in these fields are very valuable to businesses and corporations, almost guaranteeing secure, high-paying employment.

Individuals interested in pursuing a business degree online definitely save in the expenses area, making this type of obtaining education a cost-effective one. There are no travel expenses or lodging costs related to online learning, and all any individual needs to receive online instruction is a computer. Keeping education costs low means that students incur far less debt, a big advantage versus those individuals who stay on campus or who commute to their educational facilities. Also, the opportunity to continue working without packing a part-time job into weekends means that many students can support themselves while earning their business degree online. The financial considerations of online and distance education make the choice of how and where to study an easy decision.

Of course, pursuing higher education and working towards a business degree online means that individuals need to ensure that other factors don't disrupt obtaining their credits. Having a quiet environment to study is important, and individuals with families need to set aside a place where they won't be disturbed. Also, dedication, motivation and self-control is also a large factor in online education procrastinating personalities and individuals who find it difficult to function outside of a controlled environment, such as scheduled classes and professor-assigned tasks, should not venture into distance education. But for most people, the goals of a solid degree and strong credentials is plenty enough motivation and the long-term results of a good career are well worth the efforts!

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Business Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Anya Blog36857
Bria Blog75630

End Your Financial Woes with Unsecured Debt Consolidation

Today majority of the people uses credit cards, store cards etc and forgets its aspect of high interest rate. Not only the high rate of interest but it also results in accumulation of number of debts of a person, which he finds difficult in repaying them back may be due to lack of time or money. No matter what is the reason for accumulation of debts but it affects the credit score adversely, which emerges as hurdle in future for procuring funds. So, its better for a person to avail unsecured debt consolidation.

Unsecured debt consolidation has been designed for people facing debt problem. As the name suggest unsecured debt consolidation doesnt asks for any collateral which implies it can be availed by either tenant or homeowner who is not willing to place collateral.

Unsecured debt consolidation provides a great help to the person finding difficulty in managing his debts. Unsecured debt consolidation simplifies the procedure of paying off the debts as it combines all the debts of a person and let him pay a single monthly instalment rather than number of bills. It let the person to deal with the single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors. Unsecured debt consolidation brings an end to harassing call of the creditors.

The financial institutions offering unsecured debt consolidation have a panel of credit experts who listens to the problem of people and suggests them a way to overcome debt problem. Taking an advice is necessary because if we avail without consulting and the way we choose doesnt suit our financial problem then it can worsen the position of a person.

Unsecured debt consolidation is also very helpful in reducing the monthly outgoing of money. The agency or company engaged in providing such services negotiates with the creditors of person and appeal them to reduce the rate of interest and penalties (if any).

Financial market has abundant lenders offering unsecured debt consolidation which also make the rate of interest on them more competitive. This is available to all the people with different level of incomes. Only the person is required to do enquiry and shopping in the financial market which will help the person to avail the best and competitive unsecured debt consolidation deal which suits his needs and requirements.

It is absolutely true that the unsecured debt consolidations carries high rate of interest as compared to secured debt consolidation. But, it doesnt mean that they are expensive rather they are good in their own way as it involves no risk on the asset.

Maria Smith has not been writing articles from the beginning. But the increase in perplexing loans information has urged her to write on different loans types. So she writes in a way that is logical, comprehensive and understandably meant to cater to the need of general public who is left breathless while searching for loans. To find a Unsecured debt consolidation, unsecured loan uk, bad debt unsecured loan, unsecured home improvement loans in uk at low interest that best suits your needs visit Blog25150
Celene Blog64052

Denver's Three Top Rated Hotels, The Monaco, The Brown Palace and Loews

No matter where you want to stay in this great city, Denver hotels are there. Downtown Denver hotels are being built at a furious pace to host visitors to the lovely Convention Center. The majority of Denver hotels are clustered in the Downtown, Cherry Creek, and Tech Center areas.

The Monaco Hotel is a good choice for people who like staying in unique properties. The Hotel Monaco is a stylish hotel. This hotel is really lovely and we found the staff to be GREAT. They had a jack-of-all-trades employee to park your car, deliver your bags, and even make wonderful paninis for us within a half hour. Yes, the staff is young and "hip," but we found them to be very helpful and courteous.

As far as amenities in your room, they have aveda bath products, Starbucks coffee for the in-room coffee maker, complimentary wireless and high speed internet access, and a basket of convenient items for purchase that you may have forgotten: nail polish, sun screen, tweezers and much more.

The Brown Palace Hotel has set the standard for downtown Denver hotels for more than a century. The Brown Palace has long stood as the pride of downtown Denver hotels, embraced by the city as its own. This hotel is a AAA four-diamond and Mobil four-star service hotel. The Brown Palace Hotel is located at 321 17th Street Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 297-3111. The Hotel is a Gilded Age landmark and a point of special pride for Denver residents. The Brown Palace has been operating since 1892 with a unique triangular shape to catch the Colorado sun. The Brown Palace is the pride of downtown Denver. The Hotel is a historical landmark in the town of Denver. Ever since Ike, Churchill, and other esteemed people have slept here the Brown Palace has been attracting the cities most prominent elite.

Denver's Mobil Four-Star and AAA Four-Diamond hotel, The Brown Palace is a national treasure. Experience the peak of high-end luxury from our select location in the heart of the Mile High City.

Another charming and upscale Hotel is the Loews at 41500 East Mississippi Avenue, 303-782-9300. All the rooms have minibars, high end phone with voice mail and speaker. There is modem access with dataports and high speed internet. They feature on command movies, a hairdryer, bathrobe, iron and ironing board, a safe and coffeemaker. They have a business center and butler and a well equipped gym. They even have pet sitting and walking services. It also is a four diamond hotel.

All three of these hotels are conveniently located in downtown Denver with easy access to the famed cities restaurants, spas, and boutiques, even skiing. You really couldn't go wrong with any of these fine hotels. So if you are visiting Denver Colorado check these places out, you'll be glad you did.

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna has traveled the world by Air and Ship while writing eBooks, Software Reviews and Practical Articles on Internet Marketing, Cruising, Gardening and Travel. Visit her websites at: and You can read more of her articles at Blog76454
Angele Blog94929

The FTA Has Neglected The Major Threat That Makes Air Traveling A Serious Danger In America

A family doctor blows the whistle on the number one threat that has been overlooked in airline security recently. In fact, this danger comes from within and is posing a serious and real danger to the American nation and world population right now.

Dr Nathalie Fiset, a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist warns the FTA about the real menace for air travelers from all over the world. Hence, the most immediate danger for any person traveling on any airplane in the present situation is passing through all security measures in all airports in the US and worldwide warns Dr Fiset.

It is a proven fact that most airborne catastrophes were caused by human factors. One has to realize that, given the present situation every flights departing and arriving into the United States today will carry on its board a traveler that is suffering from extreme tension and fear that renders him capable of breaking-down anytime during the flight thus posing a real threat to all voyagers on board.

In an article published on September 7th, the USA today reports that travelers are calling the air traveling situation "a permanent stage of siege". The newspaper goes on to say that: "the London arrests put nerves on edge."

Dr Fiset offers a solution to help lower the fear and tension among travelers. Instead of either suffering in silence or experiencing an internal growing tension, she suggests that any person who needs to travel by plane can prepare themselves appropriately. After all, when a person suffers a major panic attack at 36 000 feet in the air, it is impossible to pull over and calm the spirits down!

Her first recommendation, which might not get general approval, is to shut off most television monitors in airports that repeatedly release negative messages about alleged threats, terrorism and possible attacks to travelers. She does not prone to keep the public in ignorance and if a news is worthy of being transmitted, it could be done in an announcement to all passengers.

She is just suggesting that anyone boarding a plane should do so with a pleasant and positive mind set in order to be able to enjoy their trip and make it enjoyable to all fellow passengers.

Nathalie Fiset M.D.Cathrin Blog1627
Allene Blog60789

Discover the Joy and Power of Reading


for Children's Novels

Focus on Grades 3-7

Now children can improve in reading while enjoying it!!

READING RIGHT is an exciting approach to reading. We believe that reading should be fun and enjoyable. When it is children read more. And when children read more they become better readers!

Reading Right guides provide a way to monitor children's reading comprehension while they practice reading.

The study guide questions range from literal to thoughtful, and help readers make connections to their own lives. However, the main focus is on reading, and the enjoyment it brings, not on an abundance of worksheets. These guides work well in whole class settings, small groups, or with a single individual.

EACH GUIDE INCLUDES: Synopsis, 5 pages of guided questions, and an answer key.

Novels have been chosen that portray the good in characters as they solve problems, show determination, and improve their surroundings.

So sit back with the book of your choice and let the enjoyment and success begin.

If you have a book you would like to suggest, click on to special order. We look forward to adding new novels and guides to our selections.

Dr. Betty Powers is the creator of Reading Right materials. Dr. Powers has worked in the elementary schools for over 20 years both as a teacher and a reading specialist. She earned a M.S. in Reading Education at the State University of New York at Cortland and her doctorate in Teaching and Curriculum at Syracuse University.Becky Blog5166
Brigid Blog69285

Online Discount Shoe Shopping

Shoes are a very important part of our wardrobe. The perfect pair of shoes can bring an outfit together.

Shoe shopping can be a very exhausting experience. There are thousands of different styles and colors to choose from, but for some, it is exciting to try on every one.

There are alternatives to running from store to store, comparing prices, finding parking and walking around until you are too tired to try on the shoes that you were so excited to shop for.

Online shoe shopping is becoming more popular because you can shop at your own pace, any time of the day or night.

There are many other benefits to online shoe shopping. You will be able to view more selections then the conventional method. When you do a Google search, you will yield millions of links to online shoe stores.

Another advantage to shoe shopping online is the incredible discount you can receive. Online shoe stores realize that the Internet is a very competitive world and will offer special sales, coupons and discounts for purchases made at their shop. You can get designer shoes at incredible prices.

Perhaps the biggest benefit in shoe shopping online is that you can compare prices with a click of your mouse.

Have you ever found the perfect pair of shoes and looked at the tag and said to yourself I can find it cheaper somewhere else just to find that you cannot and when you go to the original shoe store, the perfect pair of shoes have been sold already? When you shop online, you can find the same pair of shoes at different stores and compare prices within minutes.

It used to take hours or even the whole day to find a pair of shoes at an affordable price. With online shoe shopping, it only takes minutes.

Roy ShepherdAlis Blog96050
Bellanca Blog68305

Shopping for Car Video Equipment at Online Auctions

When shopping for car video equipment, you want the very best quality at a great price. Car video systems are very popular today. They provide entertainment for passengers while keeping the kids busy during long trips. Kids can watch their favorite videos or play video games from the back seat while parents converse at the front! Before shopping at your local discount store for your car video needs, why not try an online auction? Here are some benefits.

A Great Shopping Experience

Online auctions provide a great shopping experience. You can shop for car video items from the comfort of your own home and take your time to find the products you need. You don't have to fight the crowds, especially during the holiday season when shopping is at its peak! Also, you can compare car video equipment and accessories by brand, features and price - all from one computer. You can have the car video products shipped directly to your home as well.

Find Great Bargains on Car Video Products

When shopping at an online auction, you can find great bargains on car video equipment and accessories. You can get items at great prices and even show your patronage by shopping for "Made in the USA" products. And, you can get all your car video items in one place - monitors, headphones, special wires, DVD players, etc.

Shopping for Other Products at Online Auctions

While shopping for your car video products, you can find other great items such as electronics, toys, games, jewelry, pet supplies, sporting goods, etc. The best online auctions are those with categorized auction items. You can easily find what you're looking for to save time. If you find several products along with your car video equipment that are offered by the same seller, you can save on shipping as well. Many online auction sellers will give you a discount if you order multiple items. Online auctions are great for holiday shopping when you have to buy several gifts at once.

Find Brand Name Car Video Equipment

With online auctions, you can sometimes find great bargains on brand name car video products. Some items might be sold as used, but still operate like new. Used items often sell for much less than new items, so you might find a great deal on otherwise expensive car video products.

Visit an online auction today to find great car video products at bargains. You too can enjoy the many benefits of shopping from your home.

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comBamby Blog99806
Berta Blog93016

Pittsburgh High School Reform Task Force

The High School Reform Task Force

Superintendent Mark Roosevelt announced the creation of the Pittsburgh Public Schools High School Reform Task Force. The High School Reform Task Force, which consists of leaders of both secondary and higher education, private foundations and businesses, experts in workforce development, parents, and members of the community will carefully examine these principles and determine how best to implement an action plan for high school reform within the Pittsburgh Schools. The Task Force has been created to evaluate and reinvent Pittsburghs high schools as part of the Districts Excellence for All reform plan, which provides a roadmap for improving the academic performance of all students in the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

In an effort to make necessary educational reforms and improve the rate of Pittsburgh Public Schools graduates, Superintendent Mark Roosevelt commissioned a recent RAND Corporation study that revealed 64 percent of the districts high school students graduate. One of key measures in the Excellence for All reform plan is to increase the graduation rate by 10 percentage points by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.

Developing a comprehensive high school reform plan will be one of our most critical initiatives in the coming year, said Roosevelt. With the changes in the economy, we must improve the academic rigor and preparation of our high school students so they have the best opportunity to succeed in the workforce and higher education. Superintendent Roosevelt is expected to present a comprehensive plan for high school reform to the Board by April 2007.

The Task Force will be led by Jan Ripper, Principal on Special Assignment for high school reform and Dr. Lynn Spampinato, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, Assessment, and Accountability. It will meet for the next six months to extensively study best practices from national experts on high school reform and receive input on workforce development issues from local and national corporate leaders, economists and job-force training experts. Task Force members will also visit nationally recognized highperforming high schools in urban systems throughout the country and determine which of the best practices studied are right for the Pittsburgh Public Schools. The work of the High School Reform Task Force is being funded through a grant of $255,000 from The Fund in Excellence in the Pittsburgh Public Schools, a new fund established by the local foundation community to support the Superintendents district reform agenda.

Excellence For All

A central principle of Excellence for All is that all children can learn at high levels, regardless of their age, experience, or background. The Task Force is charged with the creation and realization of a reform initiative that supports this standard and prepares Pittsburghs high school students for the promise of post-secondary education and career and technical employment. Their evaluation will be guided by the following six core principles identified as necessary for transforming high schools by the National High School Alliance:

Personalized learning environment
Academic engagement of all students
Empowered educators
Accountable leaders
Engaged communities and youth
Integrated system of curriculum, instruction, and assessment supports.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Pittsburgh schools visit Blog2424
Ardene Blog57268

How Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus Risked All to Give Jesus An Honorable Burial

As a crucified criminal in the eyes of the Law, what kind of burial do you suppose Jesus of Nazareth would normally have received?

His body would probably have been thrown into a common grave set apart for criminals. It would be risky to ask for the body of a crucified criminal so that the deceased could be given a proper burial. For anyone to obtain such a corpse, permission would have to be granted by the proper authorities, but it could be dangerous to ask for that permission.

Two influential Jewish leaders were willing to take that risk. One of these men was the wealthy and honorable Joseph of Arimathea. He had not agreed with the other religious leaders to put Jesus to death. After Jesus died on the cross, Joseph courageously approached Governor Pilate and begged that Jesus' body be given to him. Pilate granted his request.

There was another secret disciple who risked his reputation that afternoon. His name was Nicodemus. Once one night, before this sorrowful day, he had privately interviewed Jesus under cover of darkness -- perhaps for fear of being observed.

Joseph of Arimathea owned a new tomb he probably planned to use himself. That is where he and Nicodemus placed the body of Jesus. Nicodemus brought a mixture of about 100 pounds of expensive myrrh and aloes to use to prepare Jesus' body for burial. Myrrh is a type of gum resin that acts as a kind of glue. Aloes is a sweet-smelling oil used for medicinal purposes, as a fragrance, and to use to bury the dead.

The two men worked together spreading this mixture between the encircling layers of a long linen cloth purchased by Joseph. They wrapped the fabric around and around His body until it was completely sealed with the fabric cocoon and perfumed resin. They also wrapped an additional cloth around his head. After they were satisfied they had properly prepared Jesus' body for burial, Joseph rolled a large stone over the cave's opening.

These men publicly declared they were Jesus' friends! Their last act of love for Him is recorded in the Gospels. They both risked their reputations and more to give their Friend a proper burial.

Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus could not have known at the time that they were participating in the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy from the book of Isaiah. Here is the Scripture telling about the Messiah written over 600 hundred years before Jesus' crucifixion:

"But he was struck down
for the rebellion of my people.
He had done no wrong
and had never deceived anyone.
But he was buried like a criminal;
he was put in a rich mans grave." (Isaiah 53:8b-9, NLT).

To their great joy, Jesus did not remain in Joseph's tomb for long! He rose from the dead three days later and is alive forever!

Today too it's risky standing up for Jesus, but His true friends are willing to pay the price through God's grace.

And they will never be sorry!

Read inspirational articles about the physical death of Jesus and His resurrection by Pat Wagner at Blog47004
Alina Blog82007

Real Estate Asset Protection

The goals of Real Estate Asset Protection are:

Keep the ownership of the real estate anonymous. Anonymous Panama Corporations and Anonymous Panama Foundations do this extremely well; in fact better than any other jurisdiction we are aware of. Anonymous ownership of real estate reduces your profile as a target for lawsuits and collection attorneys can not go after something they do not know even exists.

If a structure of Anonymity is not practical the next best solution is to take away the attachable equity through the use of lawful mortgages and other encumbrances filed on the property locally by anonymous Panama Corporations or Foundations.

You should only use a Law Firm for asset protection so you have attorney client privilege. The law firm used should be out of the reach of the court where the real estate is located. If a lawyer in your country forms an offshore structure for you what are you going to do when he winds up in the lawsuit with you - defrauding creditors would be one possible allegation, or if he has the judge order him to open up his records concerning you. If you felt the courts, laws, judges, lawyers etc. in your country were fair and equitable you wouldnt be reading this. Dont make the mistake of using a law firm in another country which also has flawed privacy laws. The courts in his country will probably cooperate with the courts in your country.

As a last resort but still a valuable one the asset protection structure should present itself to your pursuing financial adversaries as so burdensome, onerous, confusing, time consuming and expensive that they will accept a settlement from you for a mere fraction of the debt in question. This is an often overlooked positive outcome that lets you keep your property and settle the debts for pennies on the dollar, sort of a bankruptcy without going bankrupt.

Detailed Information Follows:

Today many people in different countries are very worried about their real estate being lost due to court actions leaving them homeless or without their real estate portfolio. Real estate is not portable and unfortunately is one of the first things aggressive collection attorneys go after. Since the ownership of real estate in many jurisdictions is open and transparent, the real estate ownership rolls are often used to determine if a person has enough wealth to go after in a civil lawsuit, in other words it flags you as a target. Real estate ownership records are also used to accomplish identity theft since a lot can be learned about the owner from the public records like when the mortgages were taken out, from which company and for how much, the full names and addresses of the owners, etc. This information is then used combined with other public databases like drivers licenses, phone and utility records etc. to create a profile of the victim which is used to steal their identity. Lack of privacy is invasive and also encourages litigation and criminal activity.

So how do you protect your real estate in as anonymous manner as possible? Some sample strategies are briefly described below.


One real estate asset protection strategy is to borrow against the real estate using mortgages or trust deeds. Typically in most jurisdictions the borrowed money is not taxable as income since it must be repaid. Usually one can borrow up to 80% of the value of the house. Collection attorneys will not spend money to go after a house with 20% or less available equity. This is also true concerning government collection agencies. It is felt that auctions in the courtroom or on the steps of the courthouse will not bring in more than 80% of the appraised value since these auction buyers are looking for a substantial discount. One important point to be considered is the collection attorney may want to know where the borrowed money from the mortgage is to see if it is within his reach like in the country concerned. If the money is offshore they rarely will pursue it. They are not lawyers outside of their country and must retain local lawyers who usually smell deep pockets and charge high fees for this type of service which will rarely ever has a happy ending for them. The country where the money is may be hostile to such collection actions as is very often the case and makes it hard for these cases to be pursued. These countries often dismiss these cases for lack of venue or jurisdiction. Also the collection attorney from your country often has to post a cash bond to cover court costs if they lose which again deters such actions. The potential problem with the above scenario is now you have a mortgage on property that may have been free and clear. You need to go through a credit check and reveal personal information much of it will wind up in public or semi-public databases like credit agencies databases. Now you have to make the payments and pay the interest rates. There are usually penalties involved if you terminate the lease early. Many of these loans have variable interest rates which can go up and now you have a blood sucking Mortgage Company on your property title. There is a better way.

Your own Mortgage Company:

There is nothing wrong with borrowing money from an anonymous Panama Bearer Share Corporation that to protect its interests places a mortgage on your property. You basically write a mortgage through your corporation to yourself to record on the title of the property you wish to protect. This requires a lawyer in the city where the real estate is to advise you as to how the mechanics and local laws will work when recording your mortgage and pertaining to it. You may need to fund an escrow in the area where the real estate is in some countries to validate the mortgage, but there are work arounds for this as well. After the escrow closes the loan is recorded against the property tying up the equity in the property reducing your profile as a target greatly. You could make the loan at more than 80% of the value like 99% if you so desired. The corporation or an additional corporation could be used to make a second or even a third mortgage. Of course your borrowed money is not taxable and but you do need to make payments with interest to your own corporation. This is a real loan. If one researches you or your real estate they will see encumbered real estate and someone thinking of suing you may think you are not worth the time and expense which is one of our goals. If someone does try to levy or auction your real property they will have to pay the mortgage off from any auction or sale proceeds and if the amount of the mortgage (LTV- Loan to Value) is at least 80% of the appraised value a sale for enough money to pay off the mortgage will be extremely unlikely thus they will not bother spending the legal fees and auction fees. Auction buyers are price buyers, not people looking for a certain home in a certain school district etc. Remember the Panama Corporation owning the mortgage has no listed owner anywhere so it is impossible for ownership to be looked up by a potential financial enemy sizing you up. In any event the obstacle of the mortgage makes normal collection actions immensely more difficult for them if they should try to pierce through the corporate veil. Panama corporate veils do not pierce. They do not know this is your mortgage and that you own the corporation that wrote the mortgage and the only way of finding out would be to take your deposition and ask you. Well for all they know you dont own the corporation, perhaps you did and transferred the ownership, or they might assume you would lie and they could not catch you in your deception, or they may assume it is owned by a friend or relative or whatever else comes into their mind. You are not responsible for their thoughts; this is something they do all on their own. One thing to be perfectly clear on is now collection costs for your financial adversary has now gone up, way up and the person going after your assets has some decisions to make as to how much money they want to spend. The collection attorney is going to be anything but encouraging because he is now in an environment that he does not understand welcome to the jurisdiction of Panama Counselor. He is going to tell your financial enemy that more money is required to pursue this, in the back of his mind not really wanting to pursue this and if he does have to do it he is going to want to get paid big time. When lawyers do not want to do something they charge a lot. Now if the attorney gets into it and finds out the corporation ownership is non-transparent and soon discovers that Panama has tight bank secrecy etc. he will become more frustrated and this means higher fees for your financial enemy. What will the other side do if a Panama Private Interest Foundation owns the Corporation and you can legally say you do not own the Corporation? Panama Foundations really have no owner so you could also say you do not own the Foundation. Welcome to Panama Mr. Collection Attorney. You are not responsible for providing the other side ownership details of a foundation or corporation that is their problem. You can say you do not own the corporation or foundation and that is where it stops as far as you are concerned. Folks when they see a Panama Corporation or a Panama Foundation on the mortgage they are more than likely to drop it right there because they know they are spinning their wheels and will more than likely never get anywhere and spend a ton of money getting nowhere. Remember the collection attorney doesnt deal with Panama Asset Protection scenarios everyday, or even every decade for most of them. He will see things as a brick wall, blind alley, etc and not know what to do. Remember the attorney that is doing the collection can be sued by his client for frivolously spending his clients money and running up a big bill when chances for a positive return are most unlikely.

Line of Credit Mortgage:

There are other ways of protecting real estate assets where no actual funding of a mortgage is required. A line of credit is set up through a Panama Financial Institution that records a trust deed based on the size of the line of credit. This is very similar to what finance companies in the USA do with home equity lines of credit. This also requires you to retain a local attorney in the area where the real estate is located to ensure that proper papers are filed with the local government registry. The line of credit need not be drawn down upon, yet it can still be used to protect your real estate equity, or boat equity, car equity, airplane equity, art collection equity etc. The line of credit can be cancelled at any time by you and within 30 days the mortgage on the property will be released. There are safeguards put in place to ensure you have control over this.

Real Estate Asset Protection Annuity:

Another way to protect real estate or other assets is through the use of an annuity. Basically the anonymous Panama Corporation or anonymous Panama Foundation would receive your real estate or other assets in return for an annuity. The annuity pays you a certain specified sum of money monthly, quarterly or yearly. The money can be paid into a secure Panama Bank account even in the name of another Panama Foundation which is acquiring and protecting assets for you to retire on and for the eventual benefit of your beneficiaries. So if you were asked in a lawsuit in your home country why you transferred the real estate to this Panama Corporation and what consideration did you receive for the transfer, you reply the transfer was done in return for an annuity of so much money per month for as long as you live, or 5 years or whatever you decide for a term. Now they say where is this money paid thinking about garnishing it. You say into a Panama bank that my Panama Private Interest Foundation maintains think dead end for the collection attorney. If the sum is paid monthly the collection effort is so costly compared to the reward you could even have the annuity money paid into a bank account in your home country. They are not going to go do a new collection action each month, and if they did well you could change banks, or use a Panama Bank and withdraw the money with an ATM card.


It is common to see entities selling asset protection structures using trusts and other vehicles that are located in the countries that have done away with privacy and fairness in the courts. These are the countries where they judges do what they want, judgments awarded are staggering high, the lawyers run legal bills up on the people until they can no longer defend themselves because they are broke, etc. If you own property in such a country and use an attorney who is also in this country or another country like this you are at serious risk. Why. For a lot of reasons.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Anabal Blog57538
Celie Blog6066

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